

 "Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child's soul.”

Friederich Froebel - The Creator of Kindergarten

Our Philosophy

Family and Community

We work in partnership with children, whanau and the wider community to offer a safe, challenging and fun learning environment for all. 

Outcomes for children

Parents and children are involved in day-to-day running of the centre on the basis of equal partner relationship.

The physical environment is made safe for our tamariki by teachers completing daily health and safety checks.

What we do: 

Our open door policy is designed to make parents feel welcome and free to informally discuss their child’s progress at any time. We will make sure that all information that parents require is readily available and easily accessible.

An inclusive environment

All children have the right to access the full depth and breadth of the curriculum, Te Whāriki.

Outcomes for children

Children will experience an environment where:

  • there are equitable opportunities for learning, irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity or background

  • they are affirmed as individuals

  • they are encouraged to learn with, and alongside, others

Children and families will be able to celebrate their differences because we will be promoting the rights of individuals and groups to be different.

Children with additional needs will be encouraged to participate fully in all aspects of the programme alongside their peers.

Barriers to a child’s full acceptance, participation and learning are identified and removed.

Children will be provided with positive ways of thinking about interacting with, and understanding differently-abled children.  

Children will be able to explore gender and gender roles in ways that are non-stereotypical.

What we do: 

Teachers can confidently have a conversation with parents explaining how the guiding principles of Te Whāriki link to learning and development.

Teachers are confident in making appropriate links between Te Whāriki and programme planning which could be displayed on boards from time to time.

Teacher practice incorporates the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (partnership, participation and protection). 

Teachers use Te Reo Māori.

Teachers share a philosophy and commitment to inclusive education that includes particular beliefs and values based on social justice, fairness and human rights.

Learning through active exploration of the environment

Outcomes for children

We recognise and value every child’s prior and existing knowledge and skills.

Our teachers encourage children to be active explorers.

Interactions with positive and supportive teachers who extend individual and group interests.

We offer an abundance of opportunities for self-discovery, supporting children’s individual needs, interest and abilities.

Children develop theories that make meaning and connections for them.

We provide a learning environment where children are free to observe, question, experiment and explore.  

Children are encouraged to learn with each other.

We provide a high-quality learning environment that stimulates children and adults to participate in active learning. 

What we do: 

The level of resourcing supports children to choose, experience challenges and revisit prior learning. Teachers include children in decisions about using resources and utilising space in the learning environment. 

We make connections with the local community to have access to resources like paper for drawing and painting and wood for carpentry. Arrangements to visit the local park and for librarian to visit us will be made on a regular basis.

Our teachers will share their own resources and teaching aids.

The environment encourages critical thought, wondering and creativity. 

Teachers provide resources and environments that encourage exploration that is meaningful and enjoyable for children.

Teachers use Māori symbols and natural resources to contribute to the richness of a vibrant learning environment.