| Seven Stars Fee Schedules & Payments

Kindy Fees

30 hrs FREE!*

And only $6 per hour, per child for any hours NOT covered by the ECE subsidy

The Government subsidises all children who attend early learning services. 

If your child is 3, 4 or 5 years old, the cost to attend Seven Stars Kindergarten is fully subsidised for up to 6 hours a day and up to 20 hours a week.

To provide a high-quality early learning environment for our children, a fee is charged for additional hours that are not fully covered by the ECE subsidy.

Please get in touch with any questions about our fees.

We charge a fee of $6 per hour per child for any hours not fully covered by the ECE subsidy


We request fees are paid two weeks in advance when your child starts at kindergarten. We will keep this advance payment if insufficient notice is given when un-enrolling your child.


A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required if you wish to un-enrol your child.


Fees will not be charged when we close for two weeks holiday per year (Christmas period). Fees will be charged on public holidays as per your enrolment agreement.


You will still need to pay fees when your child does not attend their booked days due to absences, i.e sickness, holidays or unexplained absences.


Invoices will be sent weekly and payment by direct debit or automatic payment is preferred.


Please discuss with us if you are having difficulties paying your fees. If you do not pay your fees within two weeks, without arranging a plan with us then we will need to do the following:

·     Ask you to pay the outstanding sum immediately

·     Reduce your child’s hours to the ECE 20 hours (fully subsidised). Any changes in hours will be discussed with you first before being actioned by us.


You may be entitled to a childcare subsidy from Work and Income (WINZ), which would contribute towards your fees. The subsidy can provide a range of support to families who require financial support, and for children with disabilities or special conditions. Please speak to us as we can help with the forms and provide more information if needed.


You will receive 10% off the child who is paying the highest fee.